
by courtneywalton

My desire is to seek peace & pursue it (1 Peter 3:11). I believe that God desires to be found by us, and He orchestrates the events of our lives with that purpose in mind.

As a biology student here at the University of Oregon, I find myself in many a science classes. I want to find God in everything I do – and thus the reason for this blog.

This blog is simply a place for me to write down things I’ve learned in class that lead me to think about what an amazing Creator we worship and are chosen by.

Most people experience the greatness of God in the midst of nature or through music or by serving others. I, on the contrary, experience the greatness of God when I am nose deep in my biology textbook or working hands-on in the lab. God has given me a passion for his creation and the blessing to learn about him through my studies.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the read. It’s pretty nerdy stuff, but God’s fingerprints are all over it.